Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood

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Eastern cottonwood is a vigorous wide ranging deciduous tree typically associated with stream bank and flood plain habitats. The large trees are characterized with a wide spreading stature and airy-rounded canopy. Minute male and female catkins bloom in early spring prior to leaf emergence. Shortly after, the female plants disperse a profusion of seeds each cloaked with tufts of soft white hair that give the feel of a fresh snow fall or cotton taking flight. The pyramidal foliage is 5” in diameter, coarsely toothed at the margin and deep green in color. Though we generally shy away from recommending the straight species for ornamental use we have been smitten with some of the recent cultivar development work.
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Latin NamePopulus deltoides
Common NameEastern Cottonwood
USDA ZoneZone 2
Introduced by Broken Arrow NurseryNo