Asclepias Milkweed, Butterfly Weed

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Archived - This plant has been available at Broken Arrow Nursery in the past but is not expected to be on hand this year. For more information, please contact us.

When one thinks of Asclepias, butterflies frequently come to mind. Named after the God of healing, Asclepias was once used for its medicinal properties by Native Americans. Additionally, the young leaves were cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Plants are a great source of nectar and valuable food source for monarch butterfly caterpillars. Some species prefer moist conditions while others are accustomed to drier sites. With a wide range of flower colors and foliage textures, these beneficial perennials are an asset to any garden.
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Latin NameAsclepias
Common NameMilkweed, Butterfly Weed
USDA ZoneZone 3
Introduced by Broken Arrow NurseryNo