Arum italicum 'Warburg Strain' Warburg Strain Italian Arum

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Archived - This plant has been available at Broken Arrow Nursery in the past but is not expected to be on hand this year. For more information, please contact us.

In late fall the fresh emerging foliage of this arum features dark green leaves with purple markings. The arrow shaped foliage on the 20" plants are followed by cream-yellow spathes in spring. In summer the flowers and foliage disappear, going dormant, and are replaced by bright red-orange berries. Prefers well-drained, humus rich soils in sun to part shade.
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Latin NameArum italicum 'Warburg Strain'
Common NameWarburg Strain Italian Arum
USDA ZoneZone 6
Introduced by Broken Arrow NurseryNo