Agastache x ‘Kudos Mandarin’ Anise Hyssop

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Archived - This plant has been available at Broken Arrow Nursery in the past but is not expected to be on hand this year. For more information, please contact us.

This Agastache is just one of a series developed by Terra Nova Nurseries that are semi-dwarf and hardier. The bright colors dominated by our southwestern species are now available for colder climates. ‘Kudos Mandarin’ features long lasting, upright spikes of bright orange flowers on 18-20” tall plants. From June through September the blooms will attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
More Information
Latin NameAgastache x ‘Kudos Mandarin’
Common NameAnise Hyssop
USDA ZoneZone 6
Introduced by Broken Arrow NurseryNo