Adonis amurensis Amur Adonis

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Archived - This plant has been available at Broken Arrow Nursery in the past but is not expected to be on hand this year. For more information, please contact us.

A stunning spring ephemeral, native to woodlands of Japan. Its Japanese name, "Fukuju-so", has an appropriate translation, "good fortune, long lived plants". Dark, fern-like foliage appears in late winter to early spring, on 6-8" tall stems, and is topped by flower buds which open with the first sun rays exposing a brilliant, golden-yellow, buttercup-like flower. They slowly spread by rhizomes eventually forming a beautiful groundcover. Plant in humus rich soils in shade to part sun.
More Information
Latin NameAdonis amurensis
Common NameAmur Adonis
USDA ZoneZone 4
Introduced by Broken Arrow NurseryNo